Monday, July 16, 2007

333 -- A Benediction?

3:33 has been popping up on the clock a lot lately – which is "fascinating. Why?

3:33 was my “De time” on the clock because of 333 Montgomery ( and because it seems he or Carolyn often called me during the 3:33 time period in the afternoon when I worked at Warner Bros. (De portrayed real-life criminal defense attorney Jake Ehrlich in a pilot called 333 Montgomery. Jake Ehrlich chose De to play him after he saw De do a scene. He said, "That's me! That's me, exactly!"

I know, I know – 3:33 pops up twice a day, like (ha ha) clockwork, but usually I am utterly oblivious to time or do not refer to a clock often enough that any particular time is "locked in" that often. The past two weeks almost every time I look at the clock, it’s 3:33 (a.m. or p.m.) !!!

If feels mighty Twilight Zone-y to me!

I think this is heaven’s way of telling me the way is clear for me to present in Vegas in exactly the way I have in mind, which may seem pretty far off-course to folks in Sin City. But I know it’s what I am supposed to be doing with my life and I will do it there. Not in a heavy-handed way at all; just in passing. Those who are supposed to be influenced by it will be – the Holy Spirit will nudge them onto a new path, one they in no way anticipated when they elected to come hear me speak about De (in the same way I was nudged when I least expected it).

I’m reading Ann Spangler’s new book PRAYING THE NAMES OF JESUS. It’s even better than her earlier volume, PRAYING THE NAMES OF GOD. (She is becoming a better writer.) Quite often in this volume she will write something so profound that I want to post here verbatim, but it would be a violation of copyright to the extent I want to do it, so I suggest you get the book and read it for yourself. I promise you it will be worth every nickel you pay for it.

When you get it, turn to page 256 and 257 and tell me if a light bulb doesn't go off over your head and make you think, "Oh my gosh! That's it exactly!"

'Nuf said. You need to get the book. Truly. You do. You won't be sorry or I will buy it back from you -- after you have read it all the way through. But then you have to send it to me so I can give it to someone else living on a limited income who will be mightily blessed by it...

Alison's email address isn't working -- at least, it isn't working when I send her emails. She gave me a private address, and I'm waiting to see if that one works. The phone hasn't rung tonight, so I suspect that one didn't get back to her, either...

Veddy odd! Alison, I would like to give you my phone number right now, but then everybody and their brother would have it and that might not be good. I don't have a clue how many people read this blog...

Email Bobbie Bobstein. She can give it to you!

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