Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lazy Day

Nothing's happening here at "work" today (no Elance projects underway), so guess I'd better catch you up on my doings!

I wrote my holiday newsletter earlier this morning. It's weird -- but holiday newsletters are all about "me." They're the news of my life since last year at this time, and it has all been good, so this year the letter seems kind of "braggy." That's not good! But I've been so inundated with blessings this year!!!

*My writing career has taken off; I'm a Premier Provider in two categories at Elance


* I did three radio interviews

* I've taught at Writer's Edge twice and two of the eight PRs the class wrote actually went out and did a lot of good (the rest weren't real PR's, just exercises)


See? Hey, when I put the accomplishments into bullet points, they don't seem as braggy... but if I do that in the newsletter, it'll be a really short newsletter!

Doing that would allow extra room for religion and politics, though... and then I'd have extra room to tick off a lot of friends who aren't progressive Democrats or Christians! hee hee hee

OK, that would not be nice... so guess I'll leave well enough alone...

Gotta go pick up Jackie's dog. I took her in for dental cleaning this morning.

Later, alligator! Caio for now!

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