Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Wish DeForest Kelley Had Lived to See This Birthday...

De kept a folded excerpt from a magazine article in his wallet for years. I found it in his wallet after he passed away. He had shown it to me before. It was beyond precious to him.

The excerpt was from an interview with actor Paul Winfield (who played Captain Terrell in a TREK movie, but also lots of other great roles). In the interview, Winfield related that DeForest Kelley was the only Southerner of his generation in Winfield's life who had "not one shred of racism in him."

And since De considered himself a liberal (certainly in relationship to his very conservative upbringing), I know we would have both been in tears today -- with joy, pride and delightful surprise -- as Barack Obama was administered the oath of office for the highest office in our land.

De's father used to preach in black churches every four weeks when De was growing up. And one of his best friends was a black lad about his same age.

I'm glad De missed seeing 9/11 and much of what followed, but I would give a lot to know he is, for sure, looking down from heaven today and grinning and weeping with joy at what America has done today (or did on November 4th, 2008).

Happy Birthday, De... and happy re-birthday, America!

The new millennium is starting eight years late, but we're off on the right foot now.

I can't wait to see what the next eight years brings.

I'm praying for a hedge of protection around the new administration and their families and around our country and the world. With a smart, brave, conciliatory new leader who wants to throw a spotlight on the many areas in which we can all agree, I think we have a better chance than we have ever had before to get it right this time.

Hallelujah! May God direct their paths... and each of ours.


Anonymous said...

I didn't dare to think it was really going to happen until I saw the inauguration today.

I punched the air!


Lisa Hamner said...

Oh my goodness, I missed this post! Wonderful Kris! Can you believe it's been 10 years? May his memory live forever.