Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh, My...

I've signed up with Organizing For America to call local folks who want to get involved in the 2010 campaigns for the re-elections of Senator Patty Murray and Congressman Adam Smith. Both have been helping to advance President Obama's campaign promises (the Democratic platform), so of course it's imperative that those of us who support the President's agenda help re-elect his stalwarts in Congress.

So I'm going to be calling hundreds of identified go-getters to see if they'll turn out this year to campaign as diligently for Murray and Smith as they did for Obama. Because, as he said in Grant Park the night he was elected, he can't do it alone.

It's never easy. He needs help in Congress and at the grassroots level. If we sit this one out -- those of us who feel happy and satisfied that he's our Commander in Chief -- we will fail him and it'll be even harder for him to fight the good fight for all of us. 

So -- as much as I might like to sit this one out, I simply can't in good conscience. Those of us who truly care have to make sure we "have his back" because a lot of people who don't agree with us are gunning for him. They don't like the fact that he has been so effective despite their heated opposition. He's already done what they repeatedly said he couldn't do. And he has a lot left that he still wants to do... and that I support him in doing. 

Our first "house meeting" for the South Tacoma area is scheduled for May 11th at the IBEW Local Hall at 3049 S 36th Street in Tacoma, near the Tacoma Mall from 6-8 p.m. If you're local and want to get involved in making sure President Obama has the team he needs in Washington to fulfill his promises, please join us! We'll outline the game plan and start delegating tasks to make sure our candidates succeed in November.

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