Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sheesh and Wow!!!

What a day! We have a potential client whose happiness over the copy we write may turn into a HUGE account across many states... and I was put in charge of it! So I spent nearly every hour today carefully crafting a library full of "wellness/preventive health care" on-hold messages to submit to her tomorrow.

Isn't it lucky (cough, cough) I've been exposed to so many illness/wellness issues over the course of the past eight years? ("God will turn all things to His glory.") I've spent so many months sitting in hospitals, months on end, with people (the Kelleys mostly -- nine months worth) that I've absorbed an amazing amount of information about these very topics... plus the fact that I'm a voracious reader and have a couple of books (more like six) on health and wellness issues. So I was able to write, write, write all day long without hardly breaking a sweat. I wrote 54 messages. Tomorrow I'll write thirty or forty more, and the guys will pitch in then, too. Keith already has, to a degree. (They took care of the rest of the work issues while I concentrated on this task, so I haven't received much input from them yet -- but tomorrow I will and Friday I will leave the books and the whole shebang in their capable hands to continue the process toward total tickled-ness of the client. This is the plan as it stands at the moment, anyway!)

I awoke this morning feeling full of peace and love and broke right into praise songs. It was a morning I hope to repeat many many times in my life.

Alison emailed me saying she has landed in Las Vegas after an eighteen hour flight and is so excited she can't even rest. Yahoo!!! It makes me want to catch an earlier flight and leave NOW... but alas, I have one more day of work. It won't be long, now.

Bobbie emailed me to wish me a premature "Bon voyage". She also wrote a limerick. I really must share most of her email with you (with her permission, of course). Here we go:

Twinkle, twinkle, little starchick!

As for twinkling --- your audience will see the light!

Kris'en them with DeSpirit and enjoy the wave of feeling that returns to you across the footlights!

And now, before it gets too late, it is necessary to preface my visit with this disclaimer:

Long distance e-friendship can work,
Because, now and then, there's a perk!
The house may be messed up...
You need not be dressed up...
Nor hide any personal quirk!

You might think my theory is stale
But logic may well yet prevail.
Maybe when my stay's over
You'll be rolling in clover
And glad to return to email !!!

(heart) Bobbie

Methinks Bobbie is concerned about wearing out her welcome, being here for two weeks. Not a chance. She is such a kick and such a card -- besides having a heart of gold -- I may kidnap her and hold her for ransom when it's time for her to fly out of here! The problem with this plan is that as soon as she gets back home, she'll have a visitor of her own flying in for four days... so I can't exactly do that... Drat!

I'm excited. I'm REALLY excited. You would think I was flying to Vegas to see DE, I'm so excited. It's because I will be meeting Billie Rae Walker and Alison, and reconnecting with Margot Worthington who I haven't seen in -- what? -- seven years? That stinks! And when we met in California we were only together a couple of days -- but we sure made the best of them.

I'll meet Marge Duff, who has grown into a beautiful young woman since I saw her last (in the early or mid-90's), and get to hug Angie Solomon who I've only met once, briefly, for a few hours... Who knows what else will happen? It's all just so exciting! Right now it's easy to forget I have to be the center of attention for 40 minutes on Saturday morning because of all this other exciting stuff that'll happen between now and then -- connecting with e-mail pals and reconnecting with others, all of whom should live a whole lot closer to me than they do so we see each other more than once a decade!

Then, three days after I get back from Vegas, Bobbie Bobstein flies out for two weeks. Life doesn't get any better than this. I can't wait. But I have to...


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