Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Let The Convention Reconvene!

Bobbie arrives this evening, so don’t know how much opportunity I will have to blog during the next two weeks. If I can dash blogs out during the course of the work day during slack times (or lunch time), I will of course do that, of course, but if not, I don’t believe I’ll be blogging at home.

At work (, we’ve been handling the work load capably without Keith. That’s because we all worked ahead to create gaping holes in our work day so we can respond quickly to serve new clients and to respond to emerging situations with existing clients. This pro-active approach works very well!

Alison is already in touch with a Hollywood contact I know, and he’s jazzed, so she’s “dancing on sunshine” (as she calls it) over in the UK. She’s very busy right now and unable to blog herself, but hopes to do so soon, perhaps this weekend.

I received an email from Alex T Noble with a chapter of his book, but won’t be able to look at it in detail for a couple of weeks. He understands. I took a quick look last night – I mean a REALLY quick look – and know it’ll be a great deal of fun to delve into when I can…

I’ve been trying to recall other things that happened at the convention this weekend that I haven’t mentioned yet. I wasn’t involved in listening to other presenters, so you’ll have to get those details at STARTREK.COM. I did manage to spend a scant few minutes with Marge Duff at the book-signing table, and Alison or Billie took a photo of the two of us together. Marge is a really nice gal and it was great seeing her again. She still looks very young – younger than she did in the photo she gave me to update me on her look/age, so for a second or two I didn’t recognize her. It didn’t take long, though! (Good thing, since we only spent about three minutes together!) The only bad thing about being a “mini celebrity” at a convention is that I meet a lot of (temporary, I hope) strangers and can’t spend much quality time with those I already know. But it’s okay! My friends understand and are happy for me, and many of the new ones will become friends and it will go on and on and on in that way…

I have never been happier at a job than I am at this job! SO SEND ME MORE CLIENTS! Those of you who own businesses or know business owners who have to put people on-hold for any length of time, check into and let’s get something AMAZING created for you to rivet callers to your business line while they wait. (40% of callers who hang up while waiting on hold will not call back again, so don’t lose them to a competitor!) I’m confident we’re the best in the nation (Yes, I have heard on-hold programs created by other companies, and they don’t hold a candle to what we do here at On-Hold Concepts) so let’s work together; do your trade with THIS Trekker or DE-er, or whatever you want to call me (as long as it’s NICE)!

Betty Mosher (my Vegas pal and “chauffeur” this past weekend) has emailed to say she is having a consultation at UCLA soon and her cancer (even if it’s in both places) is very get-able. So keep her in your prayers that God will guide the surgeon’s hands and that her surgeon will send her health challenges into oblivion! I serve a healing Jesus and I know He has vibrant health in mind for us… so I ask for it for all my friends and family! WAHOO!!!

What else? Hmmm… Not much! The weather is hot here again (hot for us in the Pacific Northwest is the mid-80’s). I’m glad for fans and air conditioning here at work, and for big fans at home! Fans keep my abode quite comfortable even on the hottest summer days, a huge blessing!

Okay, when I start talking about the weather in a blog, I know it’s time to sign off and let the well fill again. The last thing you need is a weather report from an area of the country that may be thousands of miles away from you, huh?

Only IMPORTANT stuff goes into THIS blog, right? (Please DO NOT look back on all earlier entries and point out the ones that were so far from important that they don’t even register on the Richter Scale. I know there are some in there – but I choose to consign them to history and move on from them with all deliberate speed! Hey, it was just a matter of time before I hit my stride. This is my first-ever blog site and it took a while to get it rolling, but NOW I think I know what people want to see in a blog… SOMETHING WORTH READING! DUH!!!!)

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