Thursday, July 29, 2010

Update: The Girls Have Settled In

Laverne and Shirley settled in by Sunday. As of today, they're officially spoiled rotten. Any time I go into the back yard, Shirley bleats at me as if I'm a sight for sore eyes -- and if I don't go right over and talk to her, her "baaa" turns into a drawn out wail that sounds almost like a human in the throes of a natural or man made disaster.

Today I wandered around and pulled down various species of tree branches filled with leaves for the girls to munch on. I noticed that whenever I take them for a walk they make a beeline to fallen leaves, so that was a clue... 

In other news...

Today I mowed and fertilized the lawn and then watered it really, really well. That's why the goats didn't get their "lawn hour" today and why I picked them leaves and branches instead.

Both of them jump onto the cable spools now -- and they often sleep atop them. Laverne is the bossy one; she pushes Shirley around by butting into her flank. I'm trying to discourage it, but I think it's just goat antics.  Shirley doesn't seem to mind all that much...

What else?  I'm making phone calls from home again as a volunteer for the State DEMS, encouraging voters to be sure and vote during the upcoming primary August 17th.

I'm making money at Elance. 

I just read two books -- by Carol Burnett and Lucille Ball. Carol's book ("This Time Together") has a chapter in it that had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to hurt myself internally. I have rarely laughed so hard in my life. It was about why the TV show PASSWORD went from LIVE to taped, and it happened while she and Elizabeth Montgomery were celebrity guests on the show.  What happened was so hysterical that Elizabeth Montgomery fell off her chair.  I can't repeat it here because it involves a word that is never used in general audiences -- or much of anywhere else.  God, I thought I was going to wake Jackie up, I laughed so long and so hard -- I cried and ached, I laughed so hard.

The rest of the book is good too, but this one incident alone is worth the price of admission... I promise you!

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