Thursday, October 7, 2010

Counting the Days to November 2nd...

Much like the Second Coming of Christ, as much as I want Election Day to get here and be gone, I know the voting population is beginning to flock into the Democratic fold, so I'm just holding my breath that they all get back here before the powers that be  (that's us, if we'd only "get" that!) pull the trigger and "Make It So!"

I want as many faithful Americans of all stripes on the DEM side as we can get by November 2nd; the alternative is just too, too scary...

The talking points from the other side seem to be resonating with people with the least amount of education,people who won't bother to research the truth and recognize that lies are being told and scare tactics are being spread to keep them from voting in their own best interests!  MOST of us don't make $250K a year; gazillions are being poured into the races by the uber-wealthy to convince people TO VOTE AGAINST THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS!  It's utterly appalling...

And some of the voting age population is ignoring all of it, not in the least interested in who wins and who loses at this critical time in American history.

Well, I guess those foks -- the uninterested and the uninformed -- will get the government they deserve by default. I just pray there are more of us than there are of them... because we deserve better than what may occur if voters stay home this year thinking they're relatively happy with the status quo. The scary part is, if they do that,the status quo (moving measurably out of the ditch, getting America's image elevated in the world, getting jobs back) will no longer be the status quo!

I implore every thinking American to take this midterm election seriously.  We're at a pivot point that can derail all that has been accomplished to date...

Those who want to see that happen... well, I don't have any words for you that don't seem judgmental and negative, so I'll keep them to myself.

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