Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Newly-Wrapped SUV to Prove I'm The Full Meal Deal as a Copywriter!

To read about my "advertising adventures" in my newly-decked-out SUV, check out wordwhisperer.NET. Too, too funny!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

North Shore Animal League Re-Establishes Carolyn and DeForest Kelley Memorial Fund

Good news! Diane Haddick contacted the North Shore Animal League and re-established the Carolyn and DeForest Kelley Memorial Fund! The link is below.

http://www.animalleague.org/support/how-you-can-help/deforest-carolyn-kelley-memorial-fund .html

As you know, Carolyn and De visited the Fund personally and supported it for many years. You've probably seen pictures of them with kittens and puppies from the League. (I aim to send the Legue the photos I have of them there, so they can post them again.)

Please donate on De's and Carolyn's birthdays (January 20, October 5th) and on their anniversary date (Sept 7th) and on the date of De's passing (June 11th) -- and any other time you remember De or Carolyn and want to "thank" them for the joy they brought to your life!

Thank you!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday, DeForest Kelley!

Today would have been DeForest Kelley's 94th birthday. Wow! Unhappily for the rest of us, he didn't live to see his 80th roll around. But every year, reliably, I get notes, Facebook messages and other communications from stalwart fans of De's (Carl Rylander, John Bowersox, Marge Duff, Jim Westbrook and others) to remind me that they haven't forgotten him. I hope he's looking down and seeing how much love millions of people still have for him. He once said in an interview with Dan Madsen, "There's nothing deader than a dead actor. I sometimes wonder if they will remember me!" (To which I retorted in print something like (paraphrasing here), "They'll remember you, Mr. Kelley. They'll remember you!" And this was before I reconnected with him again in 1988 and began the amazing journey that ended up with me becoming his personal assistant and caregiver at the end of his life.

DeForest Kelley is ever-present in lots of people's minds--and for all the right reasons. He wasn't 'just' an actor--he was an earth angel with a terrific sense of humor, immense compassion for others, and a smile and blue eyes that lit up the world. Yes, he was a helluva actor. But he was a by-far even-better human being.

At his memorial service at Paramount, I said, "DeForest Kelley was the kind of man God had in mind when he created Adam. If this sad old world was more heavily-populated with DeForest Kelley types, it would be the paradise we all wish it was." He loved God (without being preachy in the least) and loved his neighbor as himself. (With a preacher as a father, he was well-grounded in theology, but not made proud or arrogant or holier-than-thou by it.) He believed in social justice. Everyone who knew him or even just saw him from a stage at a convention felt "beloved".

He was the rarest of all human beings and he did have a ministry: it was all of us who remember him on this day with affection and the yearning to tell him, once again, "Happy Birthday. De!"!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Transitioning from this Blog to wordwhisperer.net--Please Follow Me There!

For those of you who have been following me on this site, please know that most of my blog posts from now on will be at wordwhisperer.net. I will continue to post Star Trek and DeForest Kelley-related things here, of course, but nearly everything else will be at wordwhisperer.net, my business website.

And for those of you looking for a reputable, conscientious, pro-active WordPress web designer, please connect with Lisa Twining Taylor at tacomacomputertutor.com. She created my new website at wordwhisperer.net and has various examples of additional smoking-looking websites on her site. I highly recommend her!