Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Wrote An E-Book Today To Offer to Intimidated Writers

Since I'm pretty much a nervous wreck waiting for the Presidential election to do what it's predicted to do (elect Obama-Biden -- HOORAY!), I decided to leave the TV off today and concentrate my attention on something else. I'm reading a couple of great new books (about Jesus) but was up past midnight doing that, so that wasn't on my menu for today (although it will be again tonight).

I decided to write an e-book I can sell myself. I've written enough ebooks for other people the past few months; I figure it's time to start concentrating on getting a few out there with my own name on them!

I read a book called Red Hot Internet Publicity (by Penny Sansevieri) ( a day or so ago and learned quite a bit about how to place e-books on-line so that I can get paid something when people download them. I might do the new De book that way next year, instead of going the tree-bound (hardbound and softbound) route. I'll look into it a bit more before I place the new e-book, but at least I have one ready to go! I can follow it up with more specifics. It could be a series of ebooks, actually.

It's called STRINGING WORDS TOGETHER: The Art and Craft of Effective Writing. (The title is copyrighted, so it's safe to reveal it before the e-book is available.) I wrote it for people who want to write but feel paralyzed whenever they try, and for people who aren't particularly afraid of writing, but want to know how to structure a piece so it will read well enough to get published somewhere.

I'm helping lead a Christian writing ministry at my church. We had our first critiquing session on Saturday and I'm re-discovering the common mistakes that new writers make. (I made all of them, and many more, all those years ago when I started out, so it felt like a homecoming of sorts!) My first e-book covers the common mistakes that new writers make and how to overcome them. I was surprised that the whole thing -- 16 pages -- took less than six hours to write. (Any research I needed was already stuffed into my brain!)

Leading the class has really crystallized for me what needs to be communicated in my new book. We have some AMAZING communicators in the writing ministry. I was moved to tears and to chills three or four times during the hour and a half we listened to "our very own" writers, none of whom have actually been published yet -- BUT WILL BE! (I have NO doubt!)

It's all very exciting. I'm looking forward to finding out what else the writers in the ministry need to know so that I can dredge up the answers and place them into e-books. The class is a terrific way to pick my brain and trip lazy synapses so my noggin can download what it knows -- because then I can get to it again, instead of just feeding off it unconsciously!

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